Dr. Mohamed Al Alem

Welcome to Dr. Al-Alem
Founder of Al-Alem aesthetic dental center

Dr. Mohamed Al-Alam is recognized as one of the foremost and finest dentists in Egypt and the Middle East, thanks to his extensive experience in cosmetic dentistry, prosthetic dental treatments, and laser therapy, having practiced in this specialty for over a decade. Leveraging his vast expertise, he founded Al-Alem aesthetic dental center, which offers a range of the latest therapeutic techniques in cosmetic dentistry and laser treatment.

Saturday - Thrusday

From: 01:00 PM
To: 11:00 PM


1 5 1 8 0

Nasr City

15th Mohamed Tawfik Diab, Nasr City


1 Ankra st , Cairo Complex Mall 4th Floor Cairo Egypt.

Sheikh Zayed City

Beverly Hills, The Polygon HQ - Bld.3 - 6th floor,cairo

About - About Us

About Al Alem Center

For Over 10 Years Families Have Relied On Al Alem Dental Center.

At Al Alem Dental Center, we believe in providing state of art dentistry in a neat, hygienic, comfortable environment. for the highest quality of Implantation, restoration, and cosmetic dentistry. Our patient's confidence and word-of-mouth referrals are the reason why we are so successful! Our highly skilled team is dedicated to lead you to an area where technology and know-how are milled with your personal interest and particular requirements. We see each of our patients is unique and our main concern is to make our visit a unique, enjoyable experience. Our goal is, by the time you will be finishing your journey with Al Alem Dental Center you will be able to renew your image with a healthy, white, personalized smile framed by a happy face!

Al Alem Center Services

The latest therapeutic technologies in the field of dentistry

For the first time in Egypt and the world, cosmetic dentistry and facial plastic surgery are combined under one concept, which is Finesse Aesthetics.

Through this concept, the World Center can provide a 3D mapping of the entire face of the case and the dimensions of the face along with the smile and the condition of the jaw to determine the most appropriate shape that should be worked on for cosmetic dentistry. In this way, the World Center was able to be the first in the Middle East in treating and beautifying teeth with natural results that suit every patient

Forget what your teeth looked like before cosmetic surgery and discover a perfect life afterward.

Move the cursor right and left to see what the entire case looks like before and after cosmetic dentistry.

Our clients' testimonials

Thank you for your wonderful words and your trust in Al Alem center.

A great doctor, he is more of an artist than a doctor! He takes great pride and puts al lot of dedication in each and every case to ensure that every smile is a masterpiece of its own! In addition to his procedures being completely painless.

I highly recommend him

Ahmed Yousry Abdalaziz

The best dental treatment experience I have ever had .. I started to deal with Al-Alem Clinic 1 year ago after recommendation from my family members and they really made me feel comfortable and happy patient, Very professional stuff

Mohamed Farahat

Let's be honest, nobody looks forward to going to the dentist....specially when u have a tooth ache. And that is exactly how I felt until I sat down with dr.m.alalem as much as I was dreading that moment, he made it all easy and relaxing. His clinic has top specialized dentists, the most advanced technology when it comes to equipment whether it is something cosmetic or medical. 

Yara elgendy

Al Alem Clinic is very professional and have the best quality control regulations in the middle east region.

Alaa sami el-desouki

دكتور محمد العالم من الدكاترة اللي غيرتلي نفسيتي 360 من حالة اسناني اللي كنت فيها. مش عارفة اشكر الخدمة الممتازة اللي في المكان ولا ايه.. كله بيشتغل بحب ورقي وبتشرف ان فيه دكتور كده في مصر ومكان يريح الاعصاب كده. شكرا د. محمد العالم.

Tina Gerges Om selena

Dr Mohamed is the best ever! My Mum has always been terrified of going to the dentist until we met him.

He is very professional, super personable, and a good listener to his patient! As well the staff are most attentive and caring.

So impressed with the exceptional quality of work available in Egypt.

Thanks again!

Nermine Marwan

شكرا أوي أوي يا دكتوري بجد انا مبسوطة اوي اوي سناني شكلها يجنن. انا قدام المراية مش عايزة اقوم. شكرااا

Reham Youssef

Doctor mohammed elalem totaly changed my mood to the best,really your the best dentist and friend..

Thanks doctor for my new lovely smile

Ahmed youness salem

Change my concept to be afraid from the dentist
Thank you very much Doctor. Totally recommended

Ahmed Awny

بعيد عن إن دكتور محمد العالم هو اللي بيعمل اسناني وبيعالجها ومن اشطر الدكاترة اللي شوفتها.

انا برضه بزهقه كتير وكل شوية بسأله أسئلة غريبة وهو طبعاً متحملني عشان عارف إني أول مرة اروح لدكتور سنان . بس بعيد عن ده انا حبيته جدا كفاية احترامه وخفة دمه اللي بيعامل بيها الناس والراحة النفسية اللي الواحد بيبقى فيها ومهما اقول مش كفاية عليه. شكرا دكتور محمد العالم.

Mohamed Alaa

شكرا دكتور محمد العالم على المجهود والتعب وعلى اهتمامكم ورعايتكم بالاطفال والجهد اللي بتبذلوه معاهم لان الطفل مش سهل ابدا انه يستسلم لدكتور وخصوصا لو دكتور اسنان.

لكن بطريقة تعاملكم واحتوائكم وحبكم للاطفال بتحببوهم في المتابعة معاكم.


الف شكر وتقدير للدكتور محمد العالم على الاحترافية والامانة وحسن المعاملة والسرعة في العمل وشكرا لفريق العمل على المتابعة اثناء وجودي داخل وخارج المركز. بالتوفيق للجميع ومن نجاح لنحجاح ان شائ الله والف شكر مرة تانية للدكتور محمد احسن دكتور في الوطن العربي.

Ahmed elshazly

في بداية الامر كان القلق والتوتر يساور افكاري ولكن عند الوصول الى مركز محمد العالم ابهرني الفريق الطبي المميز جدا ب اخلاقه وتعامله المرهف. كانت تجربة مليئة بالدفء والحنان قضيتها برفقة اصحاب الابتسامة الفريدة ذوي القلوب الجميلة. ارسل لهم من اعماق قلب نسائم الحب والتقدير معبئة بالوان الزهر وشذى العطر. الكاتب المسرحي/ على نهرو

Ali Knhr Obaid

انا بشكر الاخ والصديق قبل ما يكون الدكتور بتاعي على انه النهاردة كان سبب فرحتي وسبب جمال الابتسامة ومش عارفة اقولك اد ايه انا مبسوطة وبجد انت شاطرومتمكن وقبل اي حاجة الانسان مواقف وانت فعلا رجولة وانا بجد مبسوطة اني كسبت دكتورشاطرر جدااا زيك ومجنهد جدااا وطبعا اللي جاي احلى.

Yosra wageh

The best dental experience anyone can have.

Highly recommended

Menna El-Megharbel

أحسن و انضف و اجدع دكتور ربنا يباركلك من اكتر الناس المحترمين بجد شرف لينا ان يبقا عندنا دكتور مصري محترف و خلوق زيك

Youssef Hesham

الف شكر وتقدير للدكتور محمد العالم علي الاحترافيه والامانه وحسن المعامله والسرعه في العمل واشكر فريق العمل علي المتابعه اثناء وجودي داخل وخارج المركز ومن بالتوفيق للجميع ومن نجاح لنجاح انشاالله والف شكر مره ثانيه للدكتور محمد احسن دكتور في الوطن العربي

Ahmed elshazly

Al Alem Clinic is very professional and have the best quality control regulations in the middle east region.

Alaa sami el-desouki

Dr Mohamed is the best ever! My Mum has always been terrified of going to the dentist until we met him.

He is very professional, super personable, and a good listener to his patient! As well the staff are most attentive and caring.

So impressed with the exceptional quality of work available in Egypt.

Thanks again!

Nermine Marwan

Doctor mohammed elalem totaly changed my mood to the best,really your the best dentist and friend..

Thanks doctor for my new lovely smile

Ahmed youness salem

Change my concept to be afraid from the dentist
Thank you very much Doctor. Totally recommended

Ahmed Awny

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