What is teeth bleaching or whitening?

More individuals can have better smile thanks to the introduction of innovative therapies. Bleaching is one of the most often used cosmetic treatments. Enamel’s original, light ivory shade can change to yellow, brown, gray, or even blue or green. Intake of tetracycline or high levels of fluoride while the teeth are forming, from amalgam fillings, and the wearing of the enamel with age are some of the causes of discoloration. Other causes include staining from coffee or cigarettes, injury that has injured the pulp.

Your teeth are bleached to whiten them. Your teeth color can be lightened by many shades. While bleaching can effectively remove many stains, it can be painful for those who have sensitive teeth or exposed root surfaces. There are several bleaching methods available.

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Who can do teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening should only be done by a licensed dentist.

Additionally, kits for at-home teeth whitening are available which are prescribed by the dentist. Home kits can be risky. Consult your dentist first before using any home bleaching kit.

What are the risks of home kits teeth whitening?

Home kits that are not supplied by your dentist and are found on the shelves in the market can cause irreversible sensitivity and harm your teeth.

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After learning about the advantages and disadvantages of teeth whitening, you can contact us to inquire about teeth whitening and choose the best technique for your case.

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Why You Should Discuss Teeth Whitening with Your Dentist?

When teeth are bleached, they may become temporarily more sensitive or may cause discomfort especially for those who already have sensitive teeth.

People with yellow teeth benefit most from tooth whitening, whereas those with brown teeth benefit less. Tooth whitening is generally not going to do much for you if your teeth are gray or have brownish, reddish discoloration.


What are tooth bleaching options?

You have two choices: at-home kit or teeth whitening done in office.

Both teeth-whitening techniques make use of bleaching products with a peroxide basis. Carbamide or hydrogen peroxides, ranging in concentration from 3% to 20%, are used in at-home systems. Office systems range in peroxide content from 15% to 43%.

In general, teeth get whiter the longer they expose to stronger solution. However, the length of time the teeth should be exposed to the whitening solution depends on how much peroxide is included in it. Longer gel application on teeth can dry out the tooth and enhance sensitivity.

Each choice has advantages and disadvantages, but see your dentist first before utilizing any at-home tooth-whitening products. Some people won’t get satisfying outcomes. Porcelain crowns and composite fillings cannot be made whiter by bleaching.

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In-Office Tooth Whitening

Your dentist can whiten your teeth more quickly. Compared to home kits, the bleaching solution is often more stronger. Additionally, the whitening process may be accelerated and intensified using heat, light, or a combination of the two.

It often requires multiple 30- to 60-minute in-office visits to achieve the most significant outcomes, which typically involve teeth being three to eight colors brighter. Certain dental procedures (like the Zoom system) may be completed in a single 2-hour session.

Options for Bleaching Teeth at Home

Tooth whitening strips and gels: the most popular options for teeth whitening at home are strips and gels for teeth whitening. These peroxide-based tooth whitening preparations often need to be applied once or twice daily for 10 to 14 days, either directly to the teeth with a brush or a thin strip. Results last for four months or longer.

Systems for whitening teeth that use trays: In order to whiten teeth with this method, a mouth guard-like tray is filled with a bleaching paste or gel that contains peroxide and is applied to the teeth for one to several hours each day for up to four weeks.

Tooth whitening toothpastes: Every toothpaste aids in removing stains from teeth since they are moderately abrasive. However, whitening toothpastes also include chemicals or polishing agents that work without the use of a bleaching agent to help remove stains from teeth. They whitens teeth by around one shade. Peroxides are included in certain whitening toothpastes, but they are not applied to the teeth for long enough to whiten the teeth.

How long does teeth whitening last?

Tooth whitening is permanent. It varies from one person to another and can last from just a few months to up to one year.

If you smoke, consume tea, or coffee, which may all discolor your teeth, the whitening effect won’t stay as long.

You may help preserve the effects by brushing, flossing, and rinsing your teeth every day whether you use an at-home whitening method or have your teeth bleached by a dentist. Avoid meals and beverages that are high in tannin and acid, such as:

  • Black teas and coffee
  • Sports beverages
  • Berries and other meals with intense colors 
  • Carbonated drinks (dark and light-colored sodas)
  • Sauces (soy, tomato, curries)

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After learning about the different teeth whitening methods and their differences, you can contact us to inquire about teeth whitening and choose the best option for you.

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